New Trailer & Demo for GDoC Expo 2024!

Today's the day! GameDevs of Color Expo 2024 kicks off their weekend event and to celebrate, we've released a new demo to go with our Steam page! If you're cool and smart you can also download the demo here on, which is also the only place to get the Android version of the demo at the moment.

The new demo contains 10K words as Santiago can now get wasted. Of course, there's also other changes to the game, mainly in the form of quality of life updates:

  • Santiago's full body sprite has been implemented into all existing scenes
  • The side sprites for the choice menus now change expression based on what choice is being hovered over
  • More Preferences have been added
  • Outlines have been added to all text in the game menu screens for improved legibility
  • Sound and Voice test buttons have been added
  • ... and more!
We hope you enjoy how the new demo feels! We also appreciate wishlists on the Steam page and follows on our Kickstarter Pre-Launch page, as well as pledges to our Patreon. More than ever, we need your support to make Blood & Play the best game it can be.


com.tofurocks.bloodplay-0.0733.apk 146 MB
Version 0.0733 23 hours ago 125 MB
Version 0.0733 1 day ago 132 MB
Version 0.0733 1 day ago
BloodPlay-linux.tar.bz2 115 MB
Version 0.0733 1 day ago
com.tofurocks.bloodplay-0.0733.apk 146 MB
Version 0.0733 23 hours ago

Get Blood & Play [DEMO]

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