Happy Pride 2024!

Happy Pride!

If you missed our announcement on social media, the tofurocks and Project Ensō websites are (mostly) back online! They've both been rebuilt in WordPress so they can have proper press kits for our larger games, among other neat little features. We also opened up our Fourthwall shop, which will serve as a combination merchandise shop and monthly subscription platform a la Patreon.

Supporting queer folks is important year-round, but now is a crucial moment for the future of tofurocks. As I've mentioned before, I was fired from my day job a little over a month ago, and still have yet to secure traditional employment; it's difficult to find work that won't aggravate my chronic fatigue and pain. I would love to take this time to transition fully to indie game development, but to do that I need to pay the bills.

I've been preparing a pitch deck for Blood & Play so I can approach a few funding groups, but this is still a process that takes a while as we communicate  with each company. There are several tiers on the Fourthwall that you can pledge to so you can show your support for tofurocks during this time, and each dollar keeps me afloat so I can concentrate on game development. It also gives you access to some of the exclusive posts sharing progress on Blood & Play and other projects in the works.

To kick things off, we have a 10% membership discount until the end of June. Just enter PRIDE2024 at checkout to get it! And if a monthly contribution isn't feasible for you at this time, you can pick up the Queer Games Bundle 2024 or leave us a tip on itch. We’re participating in the QGB with have your monster, as well as the All-In-One GUI template and snowfall GUI for Ren’Py! If you haven't picked up your copy, you can grab over 480 games, tools, assets, and more for USD$60, or for USD$10 if you're strapped for cash. The bundle benefits 271 creators/studios this year, and your purchases help developers like us keep on creating.

Also, shout-outs to  World Beyond the Veil, who have opened up pre-orders for their latest charity zine benefiting Medical Aid for Palestinians! They are a collection of transmasculine artists from various backgrounds who've created a zine of artwork, comics, short stories, and poems in horror subgenres ranging from gothic to psychological.

We're not in this collection, but their work is pretty important, so we highly encourage y'all to check it out.

Get Blood & Play [DEMO]

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