Patreon is Live (Again)

Hello all, it's been almost 3 years since we originally closed the tofurocks/Project Ensō Patreon account due to their team considering cryptocurrency payments. It doesn't seem as though Patreon or Kickstarter followed through with those plans however, which is a small consolation in the face of the iOS app upcharges.

The reason we're back is because BáiYù (or rather myself, I should say) has been hunting for traditional employment since mid-April 2024. Considering the current state of the economy, it's unlikely that I'll find a job that accommodates my newly developed disabilities thanks to Long COVID. It's a shit time to try making a living in the games industry when there's weekly layoffs in AAA companies and publishers are pulling out of deals, but what options are even left at this point?

So I'm turning to you all to see if we can make the dream work, to see if the queer narrative games I've been cooking can finally reach the finish line. So many of my projects have been put on indefinite hiatus due to lack of funding and other barriers in development, but Blood & Play is the one I feel like needs to be played. I know people need this story now, and I need help paying my rent and bills so I can finish it. If you've enjoyed my recent work in HRT Simulator 2023 or Good Lord! Everyone at the Reunion For My Religious All-Girls School Is a Trans Man... And They're Hot?!, I'd appreciate it if you would consider supporting me on Patreon.

In the coming weeks I'll be working on importing posts from our Fourthwall membership archives and writing new posts while chipping away at pitching, writing, and preparing an updated demo for Blood & Play. Tiers here have been updated, from $3 to $15, and I appreciate any and all support. We'll be seeing you around.

Get Blood & Play [DEMO]

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